Do You Believe?

     I have always wanted to see a ghost. I have watched many, many movies pertaining to this subject.  I have watched many documentaries about different places that are "haunted".  And then....I saw one.
     My husband's parents lived in an 1800's house that his great grandfather built.  It was late one night after I had my daughter. We moved in because my father-in-law had Parkinson's Disease so we had the upstairs rooms that we used as a sort of apartment.  I had gone downstairs late one night to get a drink. As I approached the stairs to go back to bed, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something white.  I turned, slowly and extremely apprehensively.  There, in the archway of the door to the laundry room stood a woman, in "period clothing", hat, gloves and gown.  
     As much as I had always wanted to see a ghost, this truly scared the hell out of me!  I knew it wouldn't hurt me but at that moment, I FLEW up over the stairs, shut the door and locked it - like that was gonna keep a ghost out.
     My husband asked me what was wrong. I explained what I had just seen.  He said, "oh yea, that was my great, great grandmother", rolled over and went back to sleep.  I sat up, wide awake for quite sometime.
     So just recently, my friend got in touch with me and said we had an opportunity to buy tickets to go on a ghost hunt with some local professionals.  I was excited beyond belief!  This is something that I have on my "bucket list" but didn't really know if I would ever get the chance.  So we went.  
     Nothing TOO paranormal happened, however, it really made me stop and think.  Think about if there ARE they TRY to communicate?  Are we supposed to try to delve into that world?  
     Lastly, with my grandfather having passed away a couple of months ago, we had gone to his home to clean out his possessions. My mom and I were working on boxing something up when I stopped and I must have turned white. My mother kept saying "what's the matter?" " Whats wrong?"  I just looked at my mother and said, "I JUST HEARD HIS VOICE!!!" (meaning my grandfather's) 
     Believe what you will....I know what I've experienced and it was without any fancy ghost-hunting equipment....

