
There has been so much going on lately in my small little world that I do not even know where to begin! A week and a half ago, our community lost a teacher, who happened to be someone I have known for quite a few years. He was 37 years old. Had a heart attack and died. No reason. He wasn't unhealthy. Then, on the same day, our community lost a schoolmate. She was my age, 41. No one is quite sure why. The rumor is it was cancer but we are all still a little curious. A few days before that, our neighboring community lost a woman around my age. All that is known is she was in her boyfriend's truck and she died. Death SUCKS but when it is of someone your age or younger, when you are still quite young, it really sucks. Then, not being able to explain WHY is even harder. I have a cat who I have had for the past 17 1/2 years. She was with me the day I tried to end it all. I had just gotten her and she was only a few months old. I felt...