
     There has been so much going on lately in my small little world that I do not even know where to begin!  A week and a half ago, our community lost a teacher, who happened to be someone I have known for quite a few years. He was 37 years old. Had a heart attack and died. No reason. He wasn't unhealthy. Then, on the same day, our community lost a schoolmate. She was my age, 41. No one is quite sure why. The rumor is it was cancer but we are all still a little curious. A few days before that, our neighboring community lost a woman around my age. All that is known is she was in her boyfriend's truck and she died.
     Death SUCKS but when it is of someone your age or younger, when you are still quite young, it really sucks. Then, not being able to explain WHY is even harder.
I have a cat who I have had for the past 17 1/2 years. She was with me the day I tried to end it all. I had just gotten her and she was only a few months old. I felt as though I had no one but after I took all those pills, I looked at her and got scared I was going to leave her like everyone had abandoned me. She saved my life. A week ago, I thought I was going to have to put her down. She is a small cat, only weighing 6lbs but she had lost 1 1/2lbs and wasn't eating. Long story short, I brought her home and she's doing better even though she is showing her age.
Life is so short. One minute we are here and the next, GONE.
     I have been reaching out to some friends that I haven't seen for quite some time. Some I have spoken to but I haven't had a chance to sit and catch up with.  I am having breakfast with one next week and the other happens to be my favorite English teacher from high school. I'm taking my daughter to introduce her to.
     This teacher is truly who I wanted to be; well, the teacher I still want to be. She cared about her students, found books that interested them, had the students write in a journal, anything we wanted but you had to write for 30 minutes a day and she had us thinking creatively. This was not what I considered a "typical" class. I felt more like the students had more say and control over what we did but yet, she, the teacher had the control and was achieving the yearly objectives. THAT is the teacher I'm striving to be.
     Unfortunately, I discovered, by getting in touch with her that my daughter will not have the opportunity to have her as a teacher in a couple of years because she is retiring. I cried. I literally sat down and cried.
     Maybe it was the overwhelming couple of weeks of deaths or it was that I really wanted to go back to my Freshman year with this teacher. It was like I wanted to turn back time and not face the "loss" of another favorite teacher that made a huge difference in my life. Either way, I grieve.
     Be it the loss of a young friend, a pet or a favorite teacher retiring, life is something precious and needs to be lived. Enjoy every single precious moment. Hug your family and especially your kids. Tell people you love them but more importantly, show them how MUCH you love them.
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