Lately, I have been wishing I had someone to just be able to call up and say "I need to chat.  Not about anything.  Just need to hear someone else's voice."  I wish I could just call up a friend and say "hey, come have coffee with me.  I just want to hang out for a bit."  Unfortunately, I do not have a vehicle so I guess what I am feeling is trapped.

     Picture yourself in a box, big enough for you, have someone duct tape it shut.  THIS is how I am feeling.  I feel like a bird in a cage who never gets let out so I can stretch my wings.  A dog who really needs to get out of the cage he's been in all night.    

     Trapped is such a versatile word!  You can be trapped in so many different ways.  Trapped in a relationship, trapped in a job, a friendship.   Maybe you are in a relationship that is toxic and you really need to get out of but feel you cannot or that you have no options.  Maybe you are at a job that you must keep for financial reasons and you hate the job yet you have no other options at the moment and feel trapped.

     I am in a situation where I am currently living with my 11 year old daughter at my mother's house.  Its a rather small house so it is close-knit.  We have very, very little space and most everything I own is in a storage unit.  I am going to school full time and I work for the school department, but only as a substitute.  I do not have a vehicle so I am unable to come and go as I need to or want to.  I cannot get a vehicle without a job and I cannot get a job without a vehicle.  TRAPPED!

     Though I still feel extremely trapped and I cannot get out, I need to look up.  I have just got to find something that works.  Something WILL work out.  Something will happen that will take me out of this prison I feel as though I am in.  I am looking for the positive and I am looking for a way.  I WILL get out. 

     If you feel like I do, in any type of situation, you too, will find a way out.  We just have to be willing to look and be available to see a way.  When we do, we will get out.

