
A teacher I had in elementary school as our resident, once a week music teacher and then she moved on to the junior high as the band instructor, as I went to the junior high, played in band with her and have continued to stay in touch with, as well as became a co-worker is retiring this year after 34 years teaching. She is only 54 years young, however, she began teaching right out of college.
This woman has received more awards for her bands in state competitions than any other teacher. Every single person that has come in contact with her has just loved her GREAT sense of humor!
"K", as I have affectionately called her for some time, is one of those teachers that the students wanted to spend "free periods" with or go visit after school. She is someone who could crack a joke just to make you smile and she is one of those teachers that if something was bugging ya, you could go talk to her.
Before every concert, as we sat there in our seats in front of all of our parents, schoolmates, family and friends, nervous, she would face us and either make a face or crack some sort of joke. (Later after I graduated, I still attend her concerts and being on the other side, you could see the entire band crack up but you had to wonder what was said).
"K" is someone you can be real with, talk about anything with or just sit and have a nice conversation with. Every single person I have spoken to over the years, from former students or co-workers, they all have some story of a time with "K". Everyone LOVES her and our school department will NEVER find another teacher who truly cared about her students, inside and out, academically or personally, as much as "K" has over those 34 years. Our schools will never be the same and it will be the saddest day when she retires. I am glad I am not the student who has to go to school in September, join band, and "K" isn't standing in front of me preparing to teach!
This teacher is a legend as far as I can tell and every other person who has known her would tell you the same thing. She is one of the BIGGEST reasons I am studying to be a teacher. I hope to make a difference in kids lives, like she has in so many. A REAL inspiration!
Thank a teacher for their inspiration!
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