Saving Allee

      I have had migraines for as long as I can remember.  I would get off the bus from school at the age of 6, crying and vomiting and a horrible pain in my head.  My parents took me to a Neurologist and I was diagnosed with migraines.

     Later on, in high school, they effected me to a serious degree.  My junior year, I missed 55 1/2 days of school.  I had ONE migraine for 8 1/2 months.  It was day in and day out with nothing but constant pain.  Some days I was able to (barely) make it through a day of school.  Other days, I would leave or not even go due to the sensitivity of my eyes, vomiting, upset stomach and not wanting to move because it hurt so badly.

     **In case you are wondering, yes, I did fail my English class (of all classes, it was my favorite).  I had to take night school the first semester of my senior year if I wanted to graduate with my class, on time.**

     I was taken to a neurologist and was put through every single test you could think of.  I had cat scans, MRIs, blood tests, neurological tests etc.  The doctors thought it was a brain tumor but they were not finding anything.  They would put me in the hospital and administer IV medications to help relieve the pain for me but it just came back or dulled it; never went away.  The doctors gave me all sorts of different medications to take daily.  Narcotics were prescribed and I got hooked and could get them so easily, I will admit but they really didn't do anything for me.  They would allow me to sleep to forget the pain for a bit but never stopped the pain.

     I was so depressed (and scared).  I was getting behind in school, I was sick constantly and I didn't always feel good enough to work on it.  If I ended up leaving school for the day or didn't go at all, I would drive myself to the beach.  I needed to be some place serene and peaceful.  It got to the point where I was in such a depression that I just stopped going to school and just went to the beach.

     When the poem Footprints In The Sand first came out, I fell in love with that poem.  So, when I went to the beach, I would imagine myself being carried by Jesus because I was too weak to walk the beach (life) itself.  I found solace in this.  I prayed and begged God to take away the pain.  When I was at the beach, I was able to concentrate on the waves, the air, the smell of salty air etc. and was able to, just for that moment, forget that I had a nagging pain in my head. 

     This poem has meant more and more to me over the years.  I have always been depressed to a degree.  Anytime I go to the beach however, I remember this poem and it lifts my spirits.  There are times I have felt like God has abandoned me.  I later came to realize that He never abandoned me.  It could have been worse than it was; that's how I know He carried me.

     Footprints in the Sand has been my saving grace so many times.  To this day, I attribute my life being saved by the belief I have in the meaning behind the poem.

     You can check out the beautiful poem written by Mary Stevenson 1984 at

