Only the Lonely

Loneliness Quote

     I am going to keep MY posts on this blog as positive and uplifting as I possibly can.  This is something very new to me.  The glass has always been half empty and would never be filled again, as far as I was concerned.  So, having said that, I want to blog a little about loneliness.  Sad subject?  Doesn't have to be...
     I have been more or less a single mom for the past 3-ish years to an 11 year old daughter.  I have very few friends that I call upon to talk with when I am feeling down, angry or even lonely.  Of course, I grew up holding it all in and not discussing things with others.  So, having someone to talk to is alien to me.  I have found that I can immerse myself into a good book or grab my MP3 player and listen to some music - though not completely satisfying.
     Lastly, I have always turned to writing.  Whether its in my journal, or just an email to someone or even, (now) my blogging.  I have always been one to hold in my feelings and to hide my thoughts.  Sharing isn't something I do easily.  Usually, I am able to write my words easier than I can speak them.  So, I get out a paper and pen (yes, the 'old-fashioned' way) and I write to someone.  I may or may not send the letter but the thought that I have written down my thoughts and feelings, I feel a little better - not so alone. 
     Also, I have found that meditation can help with loneliness as well.   I have found a channel on youtube that has some really good guided meditations.  It really helps.  The one I do is a visualization technique.  The meditation sets the scene and then someone (of your choosing) whom you trust, admire, feel safe with etc. emerges from a mist.  They hug you and you feel their love and energy.  You no longer feel alone.  This meditation is really amazing! 
     Nothing can really fill that hole like having the company of another adult, human being right there with you (or at least on the computer or phone).  I do have my daughter and please do not get me wrong, she is great company but I crave adult interaction.  Talking with my 11 year old is MUCH different than talking with an adult friend. 

     My life-coach has taught me to "put it out to the universe" when I am feeling this way.  The universe provides when we ask for something and really, truly believes we want it.  She is so right!  It's really hard to believe but there are a few times when I have been lonely and I just demand and believe that I deserve to have someone to talk to and guess what?  Someone texts me or calls.  So, I have put it out there.  I do NOT want to be lonely anymore.  Therefore, I will NOT be.

How do YOU deal with loneliness?
